OSI Research Grant/ scholarship

The Osseointegration Society of India foster the highest standards of research and education for Clinicians, researchers, Scholars and students to enhance knowledge and enrich their patients’ lives. We are aiming at creating an organization which will cater to the needs of the experience and new practitioner and caters to the well-being of the patient. Our implant organization wants to create world of blend, having academicians, practitioners, implant industry leaders, researchers both of national and international repute dedicated to the advancement of oral implantology, master implant technicians and young aspiring and budding implantologists. Individuals from across the world will benefit from the advances made possible through the research programs of  OSI .

Research is the back bone for the growth of any speciality, encouraging it should be one of the important requisite of any organisation. We at OSI are very focused to provide research grant opportunity to Indian professionals.

       We are launching three research grants for the same.

  1. OSI Research Grant
  2. OSI young researcher grant
  3. Chowdhary Research scholarship.

OSI Research Grant


  1. Grants are only awarded to applicants who are citizen of India.
  2. Clinicians, Researchers, faculty, scholars (PhD students) with dental degree are eligible.
  3. The principal investigator should be a good standing member of the OSI.
  4. Grant is limited to a total amount of INR 3,00,000/-.
  5. By registering to the application Online Platform, the applicant(s) consent to these Grant rules, guidelines, and Application.
  6. The applications are open from January 1st to April 31st of every year.
  7. The committee will shortlist 1 application and the announcement will be done before July 31st of every year.
  8. The amount will be released in 2 installments based on the progress of the study (Report submitted to the research committee.
  9.  Costs for basic surgical equipment will be covered.
  10.  OSI does not cover overhead/administration costs which exceed 15%.
  11. Travel grant to present study results is not covered in this grant.
  12. Hotel accommodation and food & beverages will not be covered.
  13. Salaries for faculty members will not be covered in the grant.
  14. Publications costs are not covered in the grant.
  15. In the publication, it is mandatory to acknowledge that the study is funded by the OSI Foundation.
  16. No overhead charges are needed.
  17. Once a grant has been awarded, the first applicant cannot apply for grant application for a period of three years.
  18. A report including a brief half yearly report financial overview of the project must be provided to the OSI Foundation, and if it is found satisfactory, then the next installment will be released.
  19. A copy of the original publication resulting from the funded study must be provided to the OSI Foundation as soon as it is available.
  20. DURATION: The maximum period of grant study completion is 2 years for the OSI Research Grant,

OSI Young Researcher Grant


  1. Grants are only awarded to applicants who are citizen of India.
  2. scholars (PhD students) and Post graduate and Interns with dental degree are eligible.
  3. The principal investigator should be a good standing member of the OSI.
  4. Grant is limited to a total amount of INR 1,00,000/-.
  5. By registering to the application Online Platform, the applicant(s) consent to these Grant rules, guidelines, and Application.
  6. The applications are open from January 1st to April 31st of every year.
  7. The committee will shortlist 1 application and the announcement will be done before July 31st of every year.
  8.  The amount will be released in 2 installments based on the progress of the study (Report submitted to the research committee.
  9.  Costs for basic surgical equipment will be covered.
  10.  OSI does not cover overhead/administration costs which exceed 15%.
  11.  Travel grant to present study results is not covered in this grant.
  12.  Hotel accommodation and food & beverages will not be covered.
  13.  Salaries for faculty members will not be covered in the grant.
  14.  Publications costs are not covered in the grant.
  15.  In the publication, it is mandatory to acknowledge that the study is funded by the OSI Foundation.
  16.  No overhead charges are needed.
  17.  Once a grant has been awarded, the first applicant cannot apply for grant application for a period of three years.
  18.  A report including a brief half yearly report financial overview of the project must be provided to the OSI Foundation, and if it is found satisfactory, then the next installment will be released.
  19.  A copy of the original publication resulting from the funded study must be provided to the OSI Foundation as soon as it is available.
  20.  DURATION: The maximum period of grant study completion is 2 years for the OSI young Researcher Grant,



  1. Grants are only awarded to applicants who are citizen of India.
  2. Postgraduate students with dental degree are eligible.
  3. The principal investigator should be a good standing member of the OSI.
  4. Grant is limited to a total amount of INR 50,000/-.
  5. By registering to the application Online Platform, the applicant(s) consent to these Grant rules, guidelines, and Application.
  6. The applications are open from January 1st to April 31st of every year.
  7. The committee will shortlist 1 application and the announcement will be done before July 31st of every year.
  8.  The amount will be released in 2 installments based on the progress of the study (Report submitted to the research committee.
  9.  Costs for basic surgical equipment will be covered.
  10.  OSI does not cover overhead/administration costs which exceed 15%.
  11.  Travel grant to present study results is not covered in this grant.
  12.  Hotel accommodation and food & beverages will not be covered.
  13.  Salaries for faculty members will not be covered in the grant.
  14.  Publications costs are not covered in the grant.
  15.  In the publication, it is mandatory to acknowledge that the study is funded by the OSI Foundation.
  16.  No overhead charges are needed.
  17.  Once a grant has been awarded, the first applicant cannot apply for grant application for a period of three years.
  18. A report including a brief half yearly report financial overview of the project must be provided to the OSI Foundation, and if it is found satisfactory, then the next installment will be released.
  19. A copy of the original publication resulting from the funded study must be provided to the OSI Foundation as soon as it is available.
  20.  DURATION: The maximum period of grant study completion is 2 years.


The application should include the below application form duly filled and signed along with the additional supplemental materials and sent via email to: director@osindia.org  by 31st of March every year. Incomplete applications/late submissions will not be considered for grants

Application Review and Selection Process
Applications will be reviewed by the OSI Research Grant Committee and scored based on the following criteria:
• Importance and timeliness of the research
• Organized and logical proposal
• Practical approach to the research
• Scientifically sound and supported
• Creativity along with a new or novel approach 

Applicants will be informed of acceptance of their proposals maximum by June 2nd week every year, via email.

Description of the Project:

The description of the project may not exceed ten (10) pages in Microsoft word document which has to be mailed along with the application form to director@osindia.org  and must include the following:
• Specific aims
• Summary of the project (not to exceed one page)
• Previous studies by the investigator
• Experimental design, methods and materials
• Condensed review of pertinent literature
• Statistical method of analysis of the data

Publication and Presentation
• Recipients of Grants, are required to present the results of the
investigation in person at the Consecutive Annual Conference of the Foundation once the study is completed. Travel expenses (coach airfare and housing for the duration of the meeting) will have to be arranged by the candidate himself/herself.

The final manuscript of the study should be submitted to the OSI Foundation on the above email id and the committee will decide on the final publication of the same in the journal.

{Any queries regarding the application process and form kindly contact us at help@osi.org}